A Message About the Wildfires
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
We at Valensi Rose are saddened by the losses suffered by friends, colleagues, clients, and the wider Los Angeles community as a result of the recent wildfires. To assist those affected to move forward, we have compiled a list of some of the resources available to individuals and businesses suffering the impact of this disaster.

When Heavyweights Tussle, Stand Back
- by Lynne S. Goldstein
What happens when two parties, both knowledgeable in real estate and both advised by experienced attorneys, have signed a negotiated retail shopping center lease, and years later one of them doesn’t like the state of affairs?

FinCEN BOI Reporting Requirements Are Suspended
- by Robert C. Weiss
A recent federal court order issued an injunction that has halted the requirement for companies to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. The order is presently being appealed.

A Bequest With Too Many Strings
- by Lynda I. Chung
It’s not unusual for someone preparing his or her estate plan to at least think about including some guidance and direction to their heirs. That may be an admirable impulse, but it can be problematic if it goes too far.

When Is an Arbitrator’s Ruling Final?
- by M. Laurie Murphy
Arbitration is designed to provide a faster, less costly alternative to litigation in a courtroom. But what happens if it isn’t even clear when or whether the arbitration process has resolved the dispute?

An IRA Was Not Part of This Estate
- by Lynda I. Chung
Creating an Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, is a popular strategy for people in all tax brackets to create tax-advantaged savings, which in many cases can represent substantial assets. What happens when those assets are not clearly allocated in the holder’s estate plan?