Can Jets Pierce This Corporate Veil?
- by Rachelle H. Cohen
When a company files for bankruptcy and receives a discharge of its debts, can creditors “pierce the corporate veil” and try to collect the company’s debts from the company’s owner?

How a Letter Became a Will
- by Lynda I. Chung
California, like most other states, has requirements that must be met for a document to be considered a legally binding will. For example, unless it is a handwritten holographic will, a will must be in writing, dated, and signed or authorized by the testator in the presence of two competent witnesses who are not beneficiaries of the will.

A Family Feud – Over Love or Money?
- by Jessica Stemple
A carefully drafted estate plan is supposed to ensure that the wishes of the trustor will be carried out, even as circumstances change over what may be many years between the drafting of the plan and when it becomes effective.

Even in Games, Arbitration Must be Impartial
- by M. Laurie Murphy
Most websites, including entertainment and game sites, include a “terms and conditions” page that asks users to agree to a long list of obligations that few consumers even glance at, much less study in detail. Often one of those obligations is to resolve any disputes via arbitration rather than litigation.

What Obligations Do Employers Owe When Pregnancy Leaves End?
- by David Krol
California law requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees who are pregnant, including by providing pregnancy leaves. But what happens if pregnant employees claim they are suffering from depression after their pregnancy leaves end? How extensive must an employer's accommodations be, and how long should they last? And what must the employee establish?

When Can an Attorney Use ‘Privileged’ Material?
- by Rachelle H. Cohen
The legal system gives the parties involved in litigation broad rights to gather information from the opposing side, but there are limits to this discovery process. Communications between a husband and wife, for example, are generally considered “privileged,” or off-limits to discovery requests.