Who Is The Client? Sometimes It’s Not So Obvious
- by Lynda I. Chung
If the attorney who represented you in a lawsuit later went to work for the opposing side, you’d probably be pretty upset. That’s why legal ethics require that a client must approve any potential conflicts of interest. But sometimes it’s not clear who the client is.
Hide Your Money in an LLC, and the Court May LOL
- by M. Laurie Murphy
If you are a shareholder in a corporation, creditors usually cannot “pierce the corporate veil” to collect money from the company that’s owed by you. The same is generally true for owners of LLCs, or Limited Liability Companies. But there are limits to the protection a court will allow.
Arbitration Is Final – Except When It Isn’t
- by M. Laurie Murphy
Arbitration is often viewed an attractive alternative to litigation because it is designed to be quicker, less costly, and final. Even when an arbitrator’s decision was patently unfair or the arbitrator clearly didn’t follow the law, many cases have held that the parties are stuck with the decision.
A Solid Ruling on Liquidated Damages
- by M. Laurie Murphy
It’s common today for a contract to include a “liquidated damages” provision, which specifies a sum of money one party will receive if the other party breaches the agreement.
For Celebrities, The Veil of Privacy Can Be Thin
- by Lynda I. Chung
After a stormy breakup, your ex-boyfriend posts on his Facebook page that you had an abortion during the relationship – and then repeats this in a radio interview. That’s a pretty clear violation of your privacy, isn’t it?
Does Sergio Garcia’s Victory at Augusta Qualify for a Master’s in…
- by Michael R. Morris
Sergio Garcia began playing golf in Spain at the age of three, turned professional in 1999, and won his first PGA Tour event in 2001, at age 21. Garcia has amassed career earnings exceeding $43 million, and had won numerous tournaments. But until this year, Garcia had never won one of golf’s “Major” championships (the Masters Tournament, the U.S. Open, the British Open and the PGA Championship).